Age of Rust Dev Update #12
First, the NFT for Discord Boosters went out everyone who was a Nitro Booster for our discord. If you haven’t signed up yet, everyone who boosts the server for the month gets an NFT airdropped to them on Enjin JumpNet. Join the discord and look at the FAQ channel on how to participate.
Next, Gold Token & Concept Token hodlers will get a special airdrop in December! The snapshot was taken on November 30th, so those hodlers will get something special this week.
Age of Rust Changes
So, a few changes are coming up for Age of Rust, but they do represent some significant changes to the game and how a few things are structured with regards to the gameplay. We are in the process of updating the website to reflect these new changes upcoming to the game ASAP. One of the components needed to move forward is in development from Enjin, this is the asset bridge that will allow us to move the game assets from mainnet to JumpNet.
In gauging what that looks like for planning, development, and testing needed on both the frontend of the game and the back end, we have to make some changes to some of the timetables for things so that we can get what’s important for Age of Rust completed in 2022. This is going to get a little wild, so keep your hands and arms inside at all times and hold on to your hats and glasses.
1) Seasons: There are 3 seasons worth of content in the game, but presenting 3 seasons is going to take too much time. So to keep things simple, the 3 seasons are going to be compressed down to 2 seasons. Part of season 2 content is moving into season 1 and season 3 content is merging into season 2.
2) Mission cards: Any mission card will unlock all the missions in the next release, so all the mission cards will become universal. For example, mission card 1 will just become “mission card” and unlock any mission 1–8, etc. So as long as you have “a” mission card, you can go through all the missions in the game. Since our Beta test had 5,000+ players, we knew we needed to accommodate more players and this change allows that to happen . Also players were a bit confused on what mission needed what card, this change simplifies the gameplay mechanic for missions & puzzle access.
3) CryptoSkull Keys: No changes to the CryptoSkull keys hunt, you’ll still need all 8 of the mission cards to look for them.
4) Origin Token: Origin will open access to everything in-game, as in “all the items” for the game, all of them, including the Multiverse token ones (such as epochrome, forgehammer, etc) in the game. This was promised back in the early stages of the project, but didn’t get in the early beta. (excluding Ankh Artifact, Arjen’s Holodrive, Ununpentium, Isolationists Mask, Mech Source Code, Canto’s Private Keys, CryptoSkull Key, Stolen Shuttle Keycard, Silver Dawn Black Box, Wickwire Skull, Ancient Katana, Alien Artifact)
5) Early Collaborations: In order to keep things moving on the 2022 delivery rail for the game, we need to trim some things from the development timeline. These things were either discussed at a high level, planned, or talked about, but no new development had taken place. So the following things are being removed for the next release in 2022:
- The extra missions for Lastlight & Origin (mission 9 & 10).
- The special bonus mission for Age of Rust MFT Token hodlers (Mission 11).
- The Enjin Monolith treasure hunt clues in Age of Rust.
- The custom mission for DappsVerse Arkenax & Verderion.
- Major Tom from Changelly hint system.
- FIO Express underground market.
- Neon District token support & bonus content.
- Frozen Enjin bonus level.
None of these represented a significant portion of the game content, story, puzzles, or rewards. While they were exciting to think about, discuss, and have some early collaboration talks on, they didn’t come to fruition so we need to remove them from the development timeline. Some of these things may end up getting support in another game in the future such as Red Fern Valley or Uber Secret Project). At this stage, we won’t be adding any more collaboration tokens or collaboration content into the game for Age of Rust due to time constraints. We realize some of you may have had your heart set on a lot of that extra content, but those efforts will likely move to other creative venues for side puzzles and other community things.
6) Platform & Language — Age of Rust will be PC only with only English language support. There had been some potential for migrating it to other platforms (iOS & Xbox) and to support other languages, but for now, these plans are shelved for Age of Rust to focus on getting things completed for Season 1 & 2 on Enjin JumpNet.
Steam Replacement Update
As most of you are aware, Steam banned blockchain and NFT games, so we were removed from Steam. As a result, we have been talking to several platforms about a new home for Age of Rust in 2022. As soon as we have a final decision on it, we’ll let you all know where you can buy & download Age of Rust when it’s released.